3 Lifestyle Factors That May Increase Your Chances Of Getting Melanoma

Everyone gets exposed to the sun each day which increases their risk of developing melanoma. But with proper lifestyle habits in place, that risk can be dramatically decreased. Here are three lifestyle factors that may increase your chances of getting melanoma over time, and how you can go about making the changes needed to reverse those chances:

Maintaining an Unbalanced Diet

If your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs on a daily basis, it can't effectively fight off diseases like cancer. If you don't make it a point to include plenty of whole foods in your diet, you likely aren't providing your body with all the vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals it needs to stay strong, healthy, and free of melanoma.

If you spend a lot of time outside, it's especially important that your diet includes colorful fruits can effectively defend itself against the onset of cancer and other ailments. You may want to work with a dietician to create a meal plan that's balanced and nutritious, but that also meets your personal tastes and expectations.  

Not Treating Sleep Apnea

If you don't get enough rest most nights due to sleep apnea, studies show that you're increasing your risk of developing any kind of cancer including melanoma. For this reason, it's crucial to consult with a professional and come up with a treatment plan that will decrease your sleep apnea symptoms and allow you to get a full night's rest at least most of the time. In addition to treating your sleep apnea, you should spend some time reducing your stress levels before bed to help ensure a restful night. Try drinking a cup of tea while reading a chapter out of your favorite book, filling through a magazine in a bubble bath, or sitting quietly in your room meditating for a few minutes.

Forgetting Protection on Dreary Days

It's important to remember that the sun can penetrate your skin even on days when it's overcast or raining outside. If you spend lots of time outdoors and you aren't protecting your skin from the sun, you're significantly raising the risk that you'll develop melanoma at some point. So, take the time to cover your skin with a light layer of sunscreen or clothing before you leave the house no matter what the weather is like outside.

If you have a suspicious looking mole or dark mark on your skin, see a dermatologist, like Asheboro Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center, as soon as possible so a biopsy can be done, and a diagnosis can be made. The sooner you catch the melanoma, the greater chance you'll have of a full and speedy recovery. 
