Four Common Skin Conditions To See A Dermatologist For

Smooth, clear skin free from blemishes, rashes, and other conditions is something everyone wants but there are many conditions that can leave you with anything but that. Seeking the help of a dermatologist at a clinic like Heibel Dermatology for skin problems is the first step to resolving these problems. Not every one of them can be completely cured, but in most cases, there are treatments that will help to get your skin clear and hold the condition at bay.

Teenage and Adult Acne

Acne is pretty common in teenagers but can certainly extend into your adult years. While zits and pimples are common among high school aged kids, severe cases may require a trip to the dermatologist for treatment. In some cases, medicated facial washes and other medications may be necessary to clear up the skin, and in severe cases, it may not be possible to completely eliminate the acne for good. Ongoing treatment may be required to keep severe acne from flaring up time and time again.


Patches of dry skin on the elbows and behind the ears are a common marker of Eczema, but this condition can include dry, inflamed skin anywhere on the body. The most common treatment for eczema is a moisturizer, but in some cases, a dermatologist may prescribe corticosteroids to help reduce the inflammation and allow the moisturizer to start working. Eczema can be treated and return over time, requiring additional treatment throughout a lifetime. There is no magic cure for this one, but it can be effectively treated if you follow the doctor's orders.


Brown or tan patches appearing on the neck and face are indicative of Melasma. Brought on by sun exposure and hormone changes, the condition is more common in women. The condition can also be triggered by birth control pills and can be treated with hydroquinone, kojic acid, azelaic acid, L-ascorbic acids (Vitamin C), or mandelic acid, but you should verify the diagnosis with a dermatologist before beginning any treatment. A good sunscreen is also recommended for people with this condition.


Redness in the cheeks and nose brought on by alcohol and spicy foods are a good indicator of this disease. Rosacea typically starts with flushed skin that worsens over time. Often, there will be visible blood vessels seen near the surface of the skin as well. The most common treatment for Rosacea involves topical antibiotics, retinoids, or vasoconstrictors. In some cases, a strong oral antibiotic can be used but only in really severe cases. Laser treatments have also proved successful in some cases, but see your dermatologist to see what they feel is the best course of action for you.
