3 Lifestyle Factors That May Increase Your Chances Of Getting Melanoma

Everyone gets exposed to the sun each day which increases their risk of developing melanoma. But with proper lifestyle habits in place, that risk can be dramatically decreased. Here are three lifestyle factors that may increase your chances of getting melanoma over time, and how you can go about making the changes needed to reverse those chances: Maintaining an Unbalanced Diet If your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs on a daily basis, it can't effectively fight off diseases like cancer. [Read More]

What To Expect When Having A Mohs Surgical Procedure

Mohs surgery is a very precise surgical technique in which skin cancer can be removed. This procedure is commonly performed in the physician's office and does not require the patient to remain in the hospital afterwards. It can be performed on a small area of the skin to remove a small cancerous tumor. The Mohs surgery has been an excellent option for many people to become completely cancer free without the need for chemotherapy or radiation treatments. [Read More]

A Guide To Understanding PCOS And How It Impacts Your Options For Removing Unwanted Body And Facial Hair

If you are a woman who has suffered from PCOS, one of the most obvious problems that others may see is often your hirsutism. Extra facial and body hair is an all too common problem, and, unfortunately, many of the more common hair removal techniques don't work as well for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, otherwise known as PCOS or PCO in some areas. The good news is that many women have found success and smooth skin by working closely with an experienced dermatologist, using one or more of the following techniques. [Read More]